Antique England Piano With Digital Conversion

a fost RON1,045.00

Look at this phenomenal Antique Rosewood Piano made by Collard & Collard of England that has been converted to digital so that you can make some amazing music! This is a consignment item by the person that converted it to digital, and he is an amazing technician as well as musician. He would say he's a technician but not a musician, however; I think the good ones have to have an ear for music even if they don't play the instrument themselves.

The rosewood piano case is approximately 150 years old and as you can see, it is quite ornate. The technician used the QRS Prestodigitation System for converting old pianos to digital. The control panel has slides for master volume and individual volume control for various accompaniment sounds (strings, choir (ahhs), reverb, etc), different piano voices, chimes and one or two more I think. The wooden sustain pedal actually works. The electronic Prestodigitation Kit was installed neatly and professionally.

The person who converted this piano is so knowledgeable, and if you need more information about him, I'm sure I can get some references for you, plus I can give you his phone number where you may contact him and talk one on one in case you have any questions about the instrument that I haven't covered. Besides all the study he has done himself, he grew up watching a family member that took care of all the keyboard instruments at Murray State University in Kentucky, plus no telling where all else! His expertise was passed along to this family member, who continues to impress me just when he comes to tune and regulate my baby grand piano.

If you love the look of the Antique Pianos, but prefer to have all the options available to electronic digital pianos, this is the perfect choice for you.